Join the Banned Books Reading Challenge!

unite against book bans

Every September, libraries across the country observe Banned Books Week. With attempts to restrict access to books on the rise nation-wide, Metro State University and the Dayton’s Bluff branch of the Saint Paul Public Library are bringing awareness to the dangers of censorship with a Banned Books Reading Challenge. Join the challenge and celebrate the free and open access to information valued by our libraries.

How to participate:

  • Read a book that has been banned or challenged somewhere in the United States.
  • Let us know the book you read by filling out an entry form online or at the Library (every book you read and submit is another change to win a library prize pack).
  • Add your book to the banned books interactive display in the Library and Learning Center.
  • Let’s see how many books we can read as a community in the month of September and share why these books belong in ALL libraries!

Entries must be received by October 1, but we support reading banned books year-round!